WASHINGTON – What was supposed to have been a friendly town hall meeting for Vice President Biden with senior citizens this morning escalated into a raucous shouting match over problems with the newly implemented Affordable Care Act. Biden’s appearance was initially slated to promote his passion for shotgun ownership by explaining the dangers of deadly assault weapons. But within the first minutes of his presentation, residents of the Eternal Cul-de-Sac retirement community bombarded the vice president with a barrage of taunts and condemnations about Obamacare. Belligerent catcalls prompted Biden to halt his speech and address the commotion. “OK, hold on, hold on,” Biden pleaded. “Now what are ya’ll so upset about?” “We don’t want to lose our healthcare!” someone shouted. “Yeah! The president lied to us!” shouted another. “OK, … now, let’s all settle down a bit, huh?” Biden folded his hands on the podium. “Apparently some of you are unhappy.” “No sh*t, Sherlock!” yelled an elderly man. “God love ya,” Biden smirked, winking at an elderly woman. “Why don’t you tell me what the problem is, sir.” “My son’s health insurance was cancelled because of that God damned Obamacare, that’s what the problem is.” “And my friends were told […]